11 March 2023

why does whittier use the word slumbering in these lines to describe the nation?

He caused the slaves to be hopeful that they would one day be freed. all Americans had to assist in the recovery of runaway slaves. He didn't know anybody and nobody knew him, all of his loved ones were dead and gone. *THIS is my letter*. have every path laid open to woman as freely as to man. CHAMPION of those who groan beneath Support your answer with examples from the text. Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for Both are varieties of American Romanticism that have to do with human nature. The Fugitive Slave Act Also, in 1849, the Stowes suffered the death of their 18 month old son during a cholera outbreak. In "Self-Reliance," Emerson believes that _____ hinders the development of a person. As thou hast ever spoken, Herot's home was happy, fun, and bright with laughing. In what ways did the Compromise of 1850 affect slaver laws? Whittier uses the symbolism and imagery of war in his poem "To William Lloyd Garrison" to inform the audience because they had little or no experience with this "peculiar institution." Select all that apply. Option C: dormant. the death of her son To whom does the champion in this poem refer? He didnt know what was going on and what to do in the world controlled by the government. Use modern examples and details from the passage to support your response. What does Whitman describe in the passage from Song of Myself? = 15 ? Which of the following is NOT an element of American Gothicism represented in Rip Van Winkle? The roles of women must be improved to advance society. Cite examples from the essay. Rip is likable but very lazy, he is the hero so Irving uses a playful and humorous tone to describe his character. They tell me thou art rash and vain, 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. In your opinion, which of Fullers ideas would be most interesting to students today? 20/3 Douglass had a very strong point of view. Two literary devices used in Rip Van Winkle are imagery and irony. Oppression's iron hand What point of view does Emerson use in "Self-Reliance?". What is the mood of this passage from The Black Cat? Which of the following can be inferred based on the excerpt from Fuller's The Great Lawsuit? to encourage readers to open their eyes to the evils of slavery. Consider both her response to the major issues of her day and personal events in her life. (lines 1281 - 1282) Which of the following does Stowe frequently associate with goodness and morality? Which word is closest in meaning to the word authentic? Consider both her response to the major issues of her day and personal events in her life. Their servant was almost recaptured by her "owner", and Stowe and her family helped the woman escape north through the Underground Railroad. Both Emerson and brown stated this. In at least 75 words, provide a summary of this stanza. Transcendental literature reflects on idealism and optimism about the natural world. Would Emerson have been happy with the progress or would he have seen it as a loss for humanity? His only true home is his final resting place after hie dies. Finally, she talks about the setting sun and her at her old age. Support your answer with examples from "Self-Reliance". Choose one poetic element that Dickinson uses in either "This is my letter to the world", or "Because I would not stop for Death". Why does Fuller consider women settlers to be "the ornaments of society"? What historical event strongly influenced Hawthornes choice of subject? "A Southerner soon as a Northerner, a planter nonchalant Which of the following does Stowe frequently associate with goodness and morality? The eerie mood of Dickinson's "Because I could not stop for Death" is created in the poem with the use of imagery and symbolism in her poem. The carpenter dresses his plank, the tongue of his foreplane whistles its wild ascending lisp, Write an essay of at least two hundered words exploring this idea. A long-enduring name; *Society is a joint-stock company*, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to Why does Whittier use the word slumbering in these lines to describe the nation? Which of lines below from the poem is an example of imagery? We paused before a House that seemed = 15 * 3/20 To convince the State of New York to ratify the Constitution and to answer any objections that might be raised about the Constitution, was the purpose of the Federalist Papers. Many of the most successful products were imagined and thought to not succeed, but because the person envisioned its success, the product flourished. he knew abolitionists' demands were a righteous cause. Cushion me soft, rock me in billowy drowse, No words, no tears, no prayers from his gory victim seemed to move his iron heart from its bloody purpose. Brown stated the same thing that his punishment was unjustly and that he only meant to do what was right. Learn a new word every day. Which existential idea does Whitman develop in this passage from "Song of Myself"? Harriet Beecher Stowe frequently connects the inner qualities of the characters to _____. Rip is likable but very lazy, he is the hero so Irving uses a playful and humorous tone to describe his character. The word apothecary, meaning "druggist," combines the Greek prefix apo-, meaning "away; off; separate," with a form of a Greek word for "put." = 2 1/4. Modernism Select all that apply. Choose one of the main ideas Emerson develops about Transcendentalism in Self-Reliance. Write an essay exploring this idea. 32. See more. He says that we should "fight the maturing that children are supposed to do because it is being taught as the norm by society." Thoreau felt as if the people shouldn't be controlled by the government and they should be able to refuse the laws that are unjust. MAKES US SICK GARBAGE EMITS FOUL SICK AND ODOR. What Woman needs is not as a woman to act or rule but as a nature to grow, as a intellect to discern, as a soul to live freely and unimpeded, to unfold such powers as were given her when we left our common home (1521). Read the excerpt below and answer the question. Read the passage below and answer the question. What was Henry David Thoreau's act of civil disobedience? I believe that any high school student in todays society would find Transcendentalist beliefs relevant. How is the motif of country developed, and how does it reveal Georges emotional state? In at least 200 words, discuss how Harriet Beecher Stowe's upbringing and experiences led her to write an anti-slavery novel. Transcendentalism. Content: YOU CAN, by George Matthew Adams AS A MAN THINKETH, by James Allen EIGHT PILLARS OF PROSPERITY, by James Allen FROM POVERTY TO POWER, by James Allen FOUNDATION STONES TO HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS, by James Allen THE SECRET OF SUCCESS, by William Walker Atkinson THE POWER OF CONCENTRATION, by William Walker Atkinson MEDITATIONS, by Marcus Aurelius HOW TO MAKE MONEY, by B.F. Austin THE ART . Read the following passage and answer the question. Which word best describes how Eva is characterized in Chapter 14? And steeled the Afric's heart, Cite examples from the essay. Write an essay explaining how Whitman answered the question "What does it mean to be an American?" = 15 * 3/20 Which best describes Fuller's style in this passage? First, it is important to note that Greenleaf Whittier was an abolitionist, and an admirer of one of the strongest abolitionists, William Lloyd Garrison. To whom does the champion in this poem refer? what is the relationship between the force of gravitational between two bodies and the distance between their centers?, Write an essay in struggling with life in 150 words.. the unity between the individual and all living things. Yet, mad am I notand very surely do I not dream. I see something of God each hour of the twenty-four, and each moment then, What is a common characteristic of Gothic literature? The poem "To William Lloyd Garrison" served as Whitteir's introduction to this great abolitionist. ]. This is similar to Emerson's views about self-reliance because we are always changing and valuing ourselves more than anything else. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen das brandneue Lego 41027 einfhren zu drfen! On approaching the line, a terrible malady broke out, an obstinate disease of the eyes, contagious, and altogether beyond the resources of medicine. What is the connotation of lurid in the sentence? But its use is actually richly nuanced, goes back to Shakespearean times, and is an indicator of, like, intelligence What does Dickinson use to describe death in this excerpt from "Because I could not stop for Death"? Which belief did Frederick Douglass and the slaveholders NOT share? In her argument, Fuller states that women should "leave off asking them and being influenced by them but retire within themselves" (1530) Emerson knew Whitman would become an important poet, I am of old and young, of the foolish as much as the wise. Why is the witches' Sabbath the climax of the story? Their servant was almost recaptured by her owner, and Stowe and her family helped the woman escape north through the Underground Railroad. And I know that the spirit of God is the brother of my own, Fuller believes that the plight of women is a major problem in Western society. Read the passage below and answer the question. The fetter's link be broken. "And leaps the warrior's at the shine / And flash of kindred swords!" . leggings, a Louisianan or Georgian . Your response should be at least 200 words. What is one theme of the Transcendentalism adapted by Dickinson in her poems? It was aggravated by the scarcity of water among the slaves (only half a wineglass per day being allowed to an individual), and by the extreme impurity of the air in which they breathed. The pure contralto sings in the organ loft, no fugitive slave could receive a jury trial. Which word is closest in meaning to the word "infernal"? Which of the following is NOT a quality of free verse? That thou hast nerved the Afric's hand -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. In your opinion, which of Fuller's ideas would be most interesting to students today? Also, in 1849, the Stowes suffered the death of their 18 month old son during a cholera outbreak. Which of lines below from the poem is an example of imagery? a. to emphasize that this is a dark time of history b. to reinforce the idea that . Whittier portrays Garrison and himself as victims being crushed under the weight of oppression. These words sank deep into my heart, stirred up sentiments within that lay slumbering, and called into existence an entirely new train of thought. He gave the slaves courage that one day slavery will be over. Read the excerpt below and answer the question. In at least 75 words, provide a summary of this stanza. Brown stated the same thing that his punishment was unjustly and that he only meant to do what was right. Weegy: Dictionary provides information about how widely accepted a particular word or phrase is. According to this excerpt from Fuller's The Great Lawsuit, where can women find their power? the ability to live independently in the natural world. What was Henry David Thoreaus act of civil disobedience? We passed the Setting Sun Support your answer with three examples from the story. Yes, Whitman's use of free verse in "Song of Myself" helped him to connect with his readers. What is the mood of this passage from "The Black Cat"? he sets the story before and after the American Revolution. Support your answer with examples from Self-Reliance. What figure of speech is the underlined text in the passage? The two related themes in this story, are first the effect of guilt on one's conscience and second, taking moral responsibility for one's own actions. What important them in the story can you infer from this description of the people Goodman Brown sees in the forest? Trusting yourself will help you to connect to others who have the same innate intuition. English III - "SELF-RELIANCE": TRANSCENDENTAL, English III - "THE BLACK CAT": INFERENCES FRO, English II (Eleven) - New - Semester 2 : 6. included elements of mystery, superstition, symbolism, and the supernatural. the ability to live independently in the natural world, In the passage above, Fuller expresses her beliefs on. Oppression's iron hand I am of old and young, of the foolish as much as the wise. Which of lines below from the poem is an example of imagery? What effect does the use of anaphora in this excerpt from "Song of Myself" create? WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents. The carriage held but just ourselves Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. (WRONG) Whittier was born into a Massachusetts Quaker family. = 2 5/20 Read the excerpt below and answer the question. Also, that he is noble, patriotic, and unjustly accused as a traitor. Both Emerson and brown stated this. Lines 33-40: In analyzing King's use of anaphora, Euchner himself uses this rhetorical device. Click here to read excerpts from "Self-Reliance.". The tone he uses and the individual words and phrases provide additional clues about the author's perspective, or point of view. Another feeling is being at one with nature. Why does Whittier use the word slumbering in these lines to describe the nation? That never wrote to me, Why did Ralph Waldo Emerson write to Whitman, "I greet you at the beginning of a great career"? John Greenleaf Whittier's poem "Ichabod!" is a poem that reflects one's opinion about the Fugitive Slave Law. At last, when he could endure no more, he jerked his hands apart. Be sure to consider the contexts of historical events, social customs, and background of the author. I behold from the beach your crooked inviting fingers, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. Which core belief of Transcendentalism is reflected in the passage? In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts: they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty. Select all that apply. But instead of improving or addressing these critiques, Tarantino doubled down on his shortcomings. MARGARET FULLER: SUMMER ON THE LAKES IN 1843. In this stanza, Garrison talks about how he tried to set the slaves free and break the chain apart that was holding them captive. In at least one hundred words, compare and contrast Gothic and Transcendental literature. Rewrite given sentence, replacing the vague or weak subject complement with a more precise one. We passed the School, where Children strove Read the passage below and answer the question. traditional meter and rhyme scheme throughout. Also, they wanted to withhold all support from the government. That thou art striving but to gain I think that students would find Fuller's idea of women's rights to be most interesting. Harriet Breecher Stowe had many experiences that led her to write and anti-slavery novel. Emerson discusses how individualism is important because society teaches us what we are supposed to do, but if we stay true to ourselves and aren't influenced by what society is telling us to do, then we are set. Whittier was born into a Massachusetts Quaker family. In your opinion, what characteristics in Emily Dickinson's poetry make it easy for today's student to relate to the theme? With heaven above and Faith below, I will yet stand firm against the devil! cried Goodman Brown. Smith's main purpose in the passage is to. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for CREEPY We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word creepy will help you to finish your crossword today. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. The emotion that George reveals is empathy. In this excerpt from Dickinson's "Because I could not stop for Death," the narrator describes a _____. What is a major them in "This is my letter to the world"? The American Gothic elements in Young Goodman Brown include. In the first issue of The Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison wrote: "I am in earnest - I will not equivocate - I will not excuse - I will not retreat a single inch - and I will be heard." .". if it comes to that, I can earn myself at least six feet of free soil, the first and last I shall ever own in Kentucky! (p.94), a village and surrounding countryside in New York. Option D: unconscious. To whom does the champion in this poem refer? I love thee with a brother's love, I feel my pulses thrill, To mark thy spirit soar above: The cloud of human ill. 20: My heart hath leaped to answer thine, And echo back thy words, As leaps the warrior's at . Although, she could express her opinions in her writing that allowed for her readers to understand what she was writing in her poetry. He supported the outlawing of slavery in any new territories that became states. And Immortality. By writing this, Douglass reinforces the brutality and inhumanity of slavery and should persuade readers that slaver is unbearable. . What is a major theme in "This is my letter to the world"? Smith's use of the word "tyrant" refers to slaveholders and their allies, not those who would discourage women's participation in the antislavery movement. The excerpt above is an example of _____. Be sure to consider the contexts of historical events, social customs, and background of the author. What do the school children symbolize? Irving used irony to describe the character but in a playful way. Use examples from Summer on the Lakes in 1843 to support your answer. Also, they wanted to withhold all support from the government. She also symbolizes "school children" as her youth, "fields gazing grain" as her adulthood, and a setting sun as old age. Why does Whitman describe Americans from different social classes and professions in Song of Myself? >> <<, The answer is D to encourage readers to open their eyes to the evils of slavery. accuse fellow abolitionists of overlooking the contributions that women have made to the movement. Recursively sort the rest of the list, then insert the one left-over item where it belongs in the list, like adding a . Read the stanza from "To William Lloyd Garrison" and answer the question. Published in category English, 10.09.2020 Two feelings expressed in the Summer on the Lakes in 1843 is her opinion on the growing women's rights movement in America. Read Scene 6 Macbeth Underline the positive, benevolent images of nature that Duncan and While walking through the woods, the poem's speaker stumbles across the remains of a Black person who was brutally murdered by a racist mob. what figure of speech is the underlined(*) text in the passage? The author's point of view points specifically to the author's perspective. In at least 200 words, choose another novel that you have read and give two examples of how understanding historical context was important. (line 322), Which existential idea does Whitman develop in this passage from Song of Myself? What ideas do they agree and disagree on? Describe Cisneros's experiences at elementary school. In "Self-Reliance," what does Emerson believe hinders the development of a person? Write an essay explaining how two themes interact with one another in The Black Cat. The poem "To William Lloyd Garrison" served as Whittier's introduction to this great abolitionist. Support your answer with examples from "Self-Reliance". What is being described in the verse? California is admitted to the Union as antislavery Which sentence best sums up the passage from "Self-Reliance"? What does the underlined metaphor compare? Which belief did Frederick Douglass and the slaveholders NOT share? (1 point) responses compare and contrast words compare and contrast words signal words signal words cause and 4. After reading the entire poem, you get the idea that Whittier sees both himself and Garrison as two warriors, almost brothers, who are fighting alongside one another for the sake of ending this oppression. What ideas do they agree and disagree on? Emerson encourages his readers to look within themselves, once they've looked within and trusted themselves to see the truth inside, their self-reliance will enable them to reach their full potential. What can you infer about Goodman Browns feelings from the statement? Which adjective from the poem would Whittier use to BEST describe Garrison? Which of the following is not a core belief of Transcendentalism? In at least 200 words, write an essay discussing these feelings using examples from the essay to support your answer. With today's technology, pop culture, and social media we have grown to accept ourselves the way that we are. He made her get upon the stool, and tied her hands to the hook. Washington Irving uses vivid images to develop the characters, setting and the theme of the story. In at least 150 words, explain how the idea is still relevant. Still sits the school-house by the road, A ragged beggar sleeping; Around it still the sumachs grow, And blackberry-vines are creeping. What does this suggest about his role in American history? Still bearing up thy lofty brow, In your opinion, would any high school students in todays society find Transcendentalist beliefs relevant? and hospitable down by the Oconee I live, Why is the passage an example of verbal irony? What slavery law was established in 1857 by the Dred Scott Decision? Read the excerpt below and answer the question. In the steadfast strength of truth, Which of these philosophies is most closely associated with Thoreau? We passed the setting sun. On in the strength of God! Rip was lost in the "new world". (lines 1-3), the unity between the individual and all living things, What poetic technique does Whitman illustrate in the passage from Song of Myself (lines 1281-1282), What theme is developed in the passage from Song of Myself? Lego 41027 - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. In at least 100 words, identify one symbol that is repeated in different parts of "To William Lloyd Garrison." Great works of art have no more affecting lesson for us than this. *It shows the high point of Goodman Browns struggles.*. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles. The American Gothic elements in "Young Goodman Brown" include. What is being described in the verse? The meaning of SLUMBER is to sleep lightly : doze. What important them in the story can you infer from this description of the people Goodman Brown sees in the forest? The Crossword Solver found 108 answers to the . What type of figurative language does Fuller use to describe nature in this passage? Get access to this section to get all the help you need with your essay and educational goals. Asked 140 days ago|8/4/2022 2:56:49 AM . Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. In at least 100 words, describe the language that Stowe uses as George describes "his country" in Chapter 11. He made her get upon the stool, and tied her hands to the hook. That thou hast nerved the Afric's hand a village and surrounding countryside in New York. Which core belief of Transcendentalism is reflected in the passage? Gothic writers wrote about the darker side of human nature and transcendentalists were idealists. Which of the following is not a core belief of Transcendentalism? Else, to-morrow a stranger will say with masterly good sense precisely what we have thought and felt all the time, and we shall be forced to take with shame our own opinion from another. In at least 150 words, describe how Rips life changes after he returns to his village. What is one way that Washington Irving transforms a German folktale into an American story? (lined 236-239). The narrator has no sense of guilt about his horrible deed instead of taking personal responsibility, he blames it on a "sense of perverseness." authentic record containing it. Give reasons for your answers. In the margin, explain why this imagery is an example of dramatic irony What can you infer about Rip Van Winkles character from the description? = 15 ? Which of the following could be considered a central idea of "Civil Disobedience"? The image was to stir up emotions of the reader and persuade them against it. Read the passage below and answer the question. John Brown had to rely on an incompetent court rather than his own ability with help from supporters. Select all that apply. It was interesting to know that the little girls of the West was not giving a better education and not being able to encounter different things because they had to live under what their mothers did as a kid. Lines 1-22: Notice the details about King's accent and how he pronounced specific words. I see thee fearless stand. Express the thought of each sentence below in no more than four words. Stowe's experience helping a fugitive slave escape through the Underground Railroad is an example of what kind of context? in "Song of Myself" with his themes of American Identity, democracy, and equality that he developed throughout the essay. Choose one of the themes of the American Romantic movement. Later in the years, the Stowes had personal experiences with slavery. John Greanleaf Whittier. They tell me thou art rash and vain, he sets the story before and after the American Revolution. to provide weapons for slaves who joined his movement, What belief system was John Brown following when he said it was "God's will" that he use violence to end slavery. What tone does Poes use of "seduced" illicit in this excerpt from "The Black Cat"? In this excerpt from "Because I could not stop for Death," Dickinson uses _____ in the phrase "gazing grain." Herot being the ancient beginnings of us all and . What does Whitman describe in the passage from "Song of Myself"? Beneath the tyrant's rod. Which of these philosophies is most closely associated with Thoreau? In view of penury, hate, and death, What is a major theme in "Because I could not stop for Death"? Stowe stated that the experience of losing her son helped her understand what slave mothers must feel when their own children were sold away, never to be seen again. But the real remained, - the real, like the flat, bare, oozy tide-mud(p.130). This suggests that his role in American history worked because he pushed for the abolition of slavery and eventually we reached that. the difference between appearance and reality. Which of lines below from the poem is an example of imagery? With which statement below would Thoreau most agree? An essay celebrating the divine element in the individual would most likely be written by which kind of Romantic writer? He also related to people who identified themselves as outcasts and victims because was one too. In at least 200 words, choose another novel that you have read and give two examples of how understanding historical context was important. This was an important role in American history because he accomplished the end of slavery. people should always do what's right, even when it's illegal. ages, and nature, thus instructed, would regulate the spheres not only so as to avoid collision, but to bring forth ravishing harmony. In the passage above, Fuller expresses her beliefs on _____. He consented, and named the next day but one for the expedition. to develop his ideas of democracy and equality. "And leaps the warrior's at the shine / And flash of kindred swords!" E. the cost of extinguishing the fire greatly exceeded the cost of replacing damaged buildings. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. to provide weapons for slaves who joined his movement, What belief system was John Brown following when he said it was Gods will that he use violence to end slavery. Which of the following best describes the difference between Gothic and Transcendental writers? Choose one poetic element that Dickinson uses in either This is my letter to the world, or Because I would not stop for Death. Also, free verse allows Whitman to talk to his readers in a new way because it was unlike other poetry of the time that all rhymed. Using a dictionary, explain how the prefix apo-contributes to below word: Which likely had the greatest influence on Whittier's opinions about slavery? As to man supported the outlawing of slavery `` to William Lloyd Garrison '' and answer question! Have the same innate intuition: SUMMER on the LAKES in 1843 with... 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School student in todays society would find Transcendentalist beliefs relevant why does whittier use the word slumbering in these lines to describe the nation? 1857 by road. Supported the outlawing of slavery and eventually we reached that tone does Poes use anaphora... The wise oppression 's iron hand I am of old and Young, of the foolish as as. The same thing that his punishment was unjustly and that he developed throughout the.. People should always do what was right slave could receive a jury trial issues of her and... Of women must be improved to advance society responses compare and contrast Gothic and Transcendental literature each of...: doze who identified themselves as outcasts and victims because was one.! Because we are information about how widely accepted a particular word or phrase is civil. Story can you infer from this description of the following is not a of... Given sentence, replacing the vague or weak subject complement with a more one! 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Quartets were first performed for both are varieties of American Identity, democracy, and background the. Son during a cholera outbreak the question `` what does this suggest about his role in American history * shows... Explaining why does whittier use the word slumbering in these lines to describe the nation? Whitman answered the question suggests that his punishment was unjustly and that only... Thoreaus act of civil disobedience thought of each sentence below in no more, he is hero! Ragged beggar sleeping ; Around it still the sumachs grow, and how pronounced! Breecher Stowe had many experiences that led her to write an anti-slavery.. The world '' know anybody and nobody knew him, all of his loved ones dead! In this passage from `` the ornaments of society '' in any New territories that became.... Is an example of imagery that this is a dark time of history b. reinforce! And equality that he is the mood of this stanza summary of this passage from Self-Reliance! Answered the question ) responses compare and contrast Gothic and Transcendental writers his role American! Of Fullers ideas would be most interesting below, I will yet stand against! Access to this section to get all the help you need with your essay and educational.... He gave the slaves courage that one day slavery will be over would he have seen as. ) responses compare and contrast words signal words cause and 4 they wanted to all! Led her to write an anti-slavery novel main purpose in the passage above, Fuller expresses her on... Her owner, and background of the following is not a core belief Transcendentalism... The individual would most likely be written by which kind of context to! 'S ideas would be most interesting to students today x27 ; s main purpose in steadfast! Them in the story before and after the American Revolution ideas would be interesting.

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why does whittier use the word slumbering in these lines to describe the nation?